Sunday, January 8, 2017

My Confession on NERIST Bible Study

Bible Study, as it name implies is the quality time spent by a congregation in learning a particular topic each time from the bible. It main purpose is building the individuals mind and beliefs sharp and stronger every day. In our Institute, NERIST, Bro. Stephen (as it was known) and his wife Dr. Ningrinla Marchang used to organize this Bible study at their house every Tuesday evening, around 6-7 pm. It helps develop the members of NERIST Christian Fellowship (NCF) in so many ways, directly or indirectly.

Knowing its value and importance, I should’ve attended it regularly but I couldn’t. I had attended only twice or thrice a year during my stay out there, usually during winter. There’s a reason behind that. I am unique in different ways. This time my uniqueness results negativity. My toes are short and unique, kind of different in the arrangement of the right one, to be more specific, which catch people’s attention very easily. Accepting oneself, courage, blah blah blah, I already had experienced and thought about it a lot. I never want to make my friends uncomfortable (They would probably think the same too and as a result special sympathy would come to me). Therefore, to live normally (without getting special sympathy), I chose to minimize my attendance. Not only to that Bible study, but in all events, I became choosy, enquiring and analyzing before attending any event.

Lot’s to write about but not necessary to disclose them all. I know everything is planned and made with love by almighty God. There’s nothing we can do and complain about. Every human being has our own weakness and strength.  Let not this weakness stop us from worshiping the true God in our daily life. The strength and ability that we have, those should overpass our weakness. As a result, no one will notice our weakness and limitations but appreciate your ability and worship the God, who gives you strength and guide you all through it. This is what I belief.

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